Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ken Passed with Flying Colors

I didn't get the details until late last night...he works nights and came home for lunch (which is in the wee hours of the morning). His team presented for about an hour and the board asked a lot of questions. Then they went in individually and the board questioned them further. He went first, so he was the guinea pig for at least one question that was modified for his peers later. But he did wonderfully!! I think his time before military boards really helped him prepare for this. It might have been easier than the military boards actually...he didn't have to stand at attention in a hot, scratchy uniform and recite obscure military history and exactly how far each kind of munition is capable of firing!

So now he just has a couple more case studies to write up and two finals to survive and he's done!! we're done, it's all over!! I think we will potluck in June...stay tuned for more details.


Hidden Jewel said...

That's awesome!!! Tell him congrats!!!

Nathan said...

Congrats, orals are always tough! The military does prepare you to think on your feet... finished my MEM last summer and receiving the degree 10 May. Took me 22 years from start to finish, it is I am just a little slow. Again, congratulations, this is a big step. A BS/BA is the 99th percentile in all the world, a MA/MS puts you a very rarified group... nrk

beachbirdie said...

Way to go! Congratulations, Ken!

beachbirdie said...

Way to go! Congratulations, Ken!

beachbirdie said...

Whoops...sorry for the double post.