Thursday, May 1, 2008

Big Day Number One!

Tomorrow is our first big day...Ken does his final thesis defense between 8:30am and noon. The term will be much easier once that is over. He is responsible for applying all the knowledge in all the classes he has taken over the last 2 years to his business plan. He has the leaning tower of Pisa of books that he is cramming from and a couple packs of index cards all filled out and he's just a little stressed out.

And to your right in ring number two...Aspen's biopsy will be happening at noon. We go up early and get admitted and prepped and then off to the biopsy. We will hopefully know immediately what they saw since it's a doctor doing it, and not a technician, she can talk to us afterwards. But so far what they have seen hasn't been particularly conclusive. So we will wait for the pathology on the sample they take...I don't have any idea how long that will take, and if they tell me it will take 2 days I'll count on a week minimum.

Today was spent on the phone...the entire day! We got the biopsy schedule, the directions to that building, the directions for what not to eat, talked to nurse Nancy about surgery and needing blood, talked to the Red Cross about getting donors, talked to a few potential donors, talked to the parking people at the hospital about long term parking, talked to parents and sisters and friends, and I just got off of my last call. It's after 10, I think I'm done.

So, the new news is that we need blood (between 2 and 4 pints, depending on the size of the surgery) and can donate our own so I am attempting to coordinate that. We find out Aspen's blood type and any RH issues tomorrow. Then we fax that info to the Red Cross and they call us and set up times. Blood has to be donated between Monday and Wednesday of next week in order to be processed in time for her surgery. Please consider giving blood with us, it will make it more fun, it's desperately needed and it's a cool thing to do. We will be giving in Portland and Corvallis... I will put dates and times out as soon as I have them!


Anonymous said...

I have lots of blood (O+) and Aspen is welcome to as much as she needs! We will be watching for donation times and praying, praying, praying.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ladies!! I'm praying for you daily!!!!! GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!

Family Roots said...

I haven't checked in here for awhile, but wow! The journey sure is continuing!. I'm still holding out for a miracle for Aspen :)

I have rare blood (AB-). I'm happy to share!