Friday, October 24, 2008

Busy Days

Cierra is competing in a Feis on Sunday at the Red Lion at the Quay in Vancouver, WA at 9:30am...all are welcome to come see her dance!! On Monday she has the opportunity to be "graded" on some of her dances...there are judges here from all over the world for the competition, so they will grade dancers while they are here. She will go for her first 3 grades. If she passes all 12 grades she will have earned an Associates Degree of Dance!

Aspen started a pottery class this week and is absolutely in love with building things out of clay...there wasn't much doubt that she would. She built a castle. If you haven't heard about it she would love to tell you all about it...she has told us all about it multiple times...someone else, please ask her about her castle!

Aspen will have another MRI the first of December...we are working on scheduling that. Orders aren't in the computer, then the orders are in but the computer is down, etc, etc. We'll get it on the books eventually!

I accepted a job with the inpatient pharmacy at Good Sam here in town. I am waiting for my license to arrive in the mail before I can can't legally enter a pharmacy to work without a license in this state. I hope it's a nice position with professional people.

Well, that's just a taste of what's keeping us busy...the usual is still happening, lots of family, church, Folk Dance, friends, and we are starting the wonderful Fall holiday season. I love the season of settling in for the winter.


Anonymous said...


I am praying for you!


Debbie H. said...

Congrats on the job, you really are a woman of many talents! Keep looking up!

Anonymous said...

I'm continuing to pray for you. You are an amazing woman!


Anonymous said...

Hi Alicia! Congratulations on your new job!!!! I'M PROUD OF YOU!!!!! I'm still praying!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm your mother's friend, Mary L. I learned about Aspen's illness (some of it...not much was known, yet) but had no idea all of this was going on.

Your mother wrote down the site address but couldn't get in at the time and today I could. I think I left out the www or something.

I am praying for you and wish I wasn't so busy with some sad things happening (it seems like every moment) in my immediate family and with myself). I've always considered you a little sister and feel so horrible that I'm so overwhelmed I can't do much.

Plan on calling your mother soon. I hope your job is working out. I was in the hospital a 2 or 3 weeks ago. It seems like it would be a good place to work. I wish I was stronger and healthier and that my parents were not so sick so I could really help.

The kids are beautiful.

